Motivation, healthy thoughts, and diet tips
from bloggers across the web working on weight loss

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Site Of the Moment:
Going on a journey of health and passion. I will be working through my bi-polar disorder while trying to document my weight loss.

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1 Not Another Diet Blog
9.00 0 0
Proving to the women in my family that we do not have to accept our size 12 - 20 bodies. Being Polish is not an excuse. Updated site - now extending to other areas of womens health. We are honest. Comments
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2 The 100 lb Journey
NR 0 0

This blog is my own little social experiment re losing weight. Dealing with the physical side of dieting alone, by counting calories, just doesn't work and results in a merry-go-round of yoyo dieting
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3 :: Free 2 Be :: the Odyssey ::
6.00 0 0
The way to weightloss, fitness, finding my lifestyle and getting free. It's time to live! Comments
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4 The One Last Thing: Weight Loss Success
10.00 0 0

Discussions about weight loss success, reducing stress, and other big challenges. You've been successful in other areas. What is your "one last thing" you want to overcome?
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5 Nicole's Diet Journal
NR 0 0
I write about my weight loss journey, life in general, and my garden Comments
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6 Doll's Journey
8.00 0 0
Devoted to my journey to a healthier, better me! Comments
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7 H.K. Weighs in...
NR 0 0
A humorous and thought provoking blog about my road to weight loss, exercising, and trying to have a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Each post ends with a question to help other readers gain a healthier lifestyle. Comments
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8 Ordinary Abundance
NR 0 0
Following a breakdown due to adrenal exhaustion, I finally have the courage to rebuild my life. The building bricks include adopting a healthy diet, losing the weight and getting fit, but there is mu Comments
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9 This Big Fat Life
NR 0 0
Losing it. Again. For good this time. Really. Comments
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10 Do you have that in my size???
NR 0 0
I'm just your average, everyday, 42 year old girl -- overweight, tragically unhip, and surprisingly happy just as I am. I live with three cats, a hyperactive Pug puppy, and my newly-civilian husband. Comments
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11 Hot Mamas Losing Weight and Feeling Great!
NR 0 0

Hot mamas losing weight and sharing tips, inspirations and other ideas for all hot mamas wanting to lose weight! Mostly a fitness blog with healthy eating.
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12 little pink planet
NR 0 0

a journey of weight loss on weight watchers * recipes * and trying to green up my life
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13 salubrious-fervor
NR 0 0
Going on a journey of health and passion. I will be working through my bi-polar disorder while trying to document my weight loss. Comments
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14 Kazzs Journey
NR 0 0
Single aussie girl on a journey to lose 94 kilos. Comments
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15 Scale Junkie
9.50 0 0

One womans quest to overcome scale addition on the path to lose 250 pounds and find better heath.
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16 Blissful Moon
NR 0 0

The tales of a modern-day witch striv­ing to live life as a wise-woman (healthy, joy­ful, lov­ing, evolv­ing, empow­ered). Pro­vid­ing a caul­dron full of infor­ma­tion related to Wicca, pagan­ism, ri
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17 Pinch of
NR 0 0
What started off as a weight loss journey through following a low carbohydrate diet called Atkins, has now became much more. Here you will find my rants and raves as well as things I learn along the way.. Comments
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18 Family In Shape
NR 0 0

Journal of ideas, personal and professional stories to help families live a healthier, more active, lifestyle.
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19 Color Me Fit
NR 0 0

Thoughts and articles regarding fitness and healthier living, from a young woman currently involved in losing weight - and maintaining it.
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20 Weighing in with my .02
NR 0 0
This blog is a humerous, open and honest look at my life whilst trying to drop 100 pounds. It's an up and down twisty, windy, stomach dropping (pun TOTALLY intended)emotional rollercoaster so hop on, strap yourself in and enjoy the ride! Comments
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21 Less Of Me....
10.00 0 0
This year it's do or die! I've just crested the proverbial "hill" and refuse to bring the excess weight with me. Join me as I get back my body! Comments
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22 Healthy Honi
NR 0 0
Getting healthier one bite at a time... Comments
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23 The Tippy Toe Diet
10.00 0 0

Changing my lifestyle to a healthy one, bit by bit by bit. And having a lot of fun doing it!
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24 The Snack Pack
NR 0 0
Fun fitness and diet site. Chronicles a woman's journey to better health and fitness. Humorous and informative. Includes tips, ideas, links and recipes. Comments
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25 This Mama Cooks! On a Diet
NR 0 0

Watch this mama lose pound at a time. Diet and fitness tips, weight loss inspiration, and delicious, healthy recipes the whole family can enjoy!

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26 The Grumpy Chair Dieter
9.50 0 0
A journal of my diet triumphs and struggles as I work toward my goal of losing enough weight (57 pounds) to get me out of the overweight section of the BMI chart.

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Thanks to Dottie's Graphics for the "healthy" background.

Last Update: Thu, 03.06.25 21:30
Next Update: Thu, 03.06.25 22:30
Next Reset: Sat, 04.05.25 21:30
Sites: 26